Site Size & Use Site must be 5 acres or more Site must be able to accommodate our target clusters: Life Sciences, Advanced Technology & Manufacturing or Professional Services & Support
Site Location Map(s) illustrating site relative to location in the city, country & other municipalities
Site Details Aerial photo(s) Site map/survey showing dimensions & acreage ALTA survey (if available) Statement from planning department on prior use of property Zoning & brief description of allowable uses Letter from city/county verifying zoning
Site Compatibility Map illustrating surrounding land use Photos of surrounding land use Identification of any existing onsite structures Identification of site hazards, including flash flooding
Site Ownership Documentation of ownership Terms of sale or lease Do mineral rights come with the property? Has a title search been completed? If so, is there a clear title?
Topography Topographic map of site (2’ contours best – Available from planning department for all Rio Rancho sites) Identification of slopes greater than 20%
Geotechnical Soils & subsurface analysis, if available; If not, cost & timing analysis to complete
Utilities Map illustrating water, sewer, electric, gas and fiber/broadband services & statement providing the following: – Service providers for each utility – Capacity – line size & KVA source & phase for electric – Distance to nearest substation & its capacity for electric – Identification & explanation of redundant electric service, if present (dual feeds, substations, power generation sources) – Size & line size of natural gas serving the site – Identification & explanation of redundant gas service, if present – Water & sewer line sizes with GPM & PSI for water – Identification & explanation of redundant water service, if present – Available surplus capacity of water & sewer treatment facilities (average, daily & peak) – When only some or all of the infrastructure is not in place, a letter from providers/engineers on timing to provide services, costs, how they will be provided, and any special processes required – Map showing onsite & adjacent easements & widths including air space
Transportation Map illustrating rail or nearest access to rail Intermodal facilities distance from site Adjacent highways Distance to Interstate/4 lane highways Nearest airport for cargo & passenger service Any road load restrictions Plans for any transportation infrastructure that will impact the site
Environmental Statement indicating that no known impediments exist relative to environmental, biological, historic, & archeological and/or studies confirming each or cost/time to complete such studies Any situations in the past impacting the site including but not limited to flash flooding, earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, hazardous waste, etc.
Floodplain/Wetlands FEMA flood insurance maps, if applicable Map illustrating presumed or delineated wetlands
Special Districts & Incentives Any site-specific incentives available Possible local incentives
Taxation Total property tax rate(s) for site Special district assessment(s), term(s) & annual assessment(s)